Event Search
Early Literacy Skills Programme
The ELSP will enable pupils to catch up with their peers and reach age-expected levels within 20 weeks of daily, intensive, one-to-one intervention.
Early Years Maths: How to Create a Nation of Maths Lovers
Children’s maths confidence at the start of school determines their later maths learning – so early years practitioners can really make a difference to children’s life chances.
Early Years: Making Sense of Autism
The ‘Making Sense of Autism’ session will give you a better understanding of autism and how it affects children and young people in your setting. It is suitable for practitioners working in both mainstream and specialist settings.
ECT Training in RE
An opportunity for ECT 1 & 2’s to enhance their subject knowledge in the RE and worldviews curriculum. Collaborate with peers identifying challenges and solutions to teaching a high quality RE curriculum in Barking and Dagenham.
EDM – Autumn Census Workshop
A workshop to help schools prepare for the October Census.
EDM Spring Census Workshop
A workshop to help schools prepare for the January Census.
Expectations in Writing - Year 5
This course will cover the national curriculum objectives in writing for year 5 and unpick how those translate into an expected level by the end of year 5.
Expectations in Writing at the end of Year 3
This course will cover the national curriculum objectives in writing for year 3 and unpick how those translate into an expected level by the end of year 3.
Expectations in Writing Year 6
The session will support year 6 teachers in understanding what writing genres need to be covered across year 6 and in what depth, ensuring a strong, cohesive writing curriculum. We will explore how to successfully build towards an independent piece and look at standardised examples from the STA.
EYFS Agreement Trialling for Literacy
The session will provide an opportunity for practitioners to share and discuss observational evidence (verbal and written) for literacy.