Our purpose is to provide our customers with a trusted professional partnership that will empower their school community to realise the fullest opportunities for growth and success for all.

Igniting talent.

Supporting achievement

We are a not-for-profit social enterprise that provides school improvement and related services to schools and other education providers across London and beyond.

Our services span school improvement and curriculum support, attendance, inclusion and SEND, careers and work experience, governor services, ECT support, ICT, and continuing professional development.

How we can help your school

What makes us unique?

We are:

  • School-owned and school-led: we are owned by 56 local schools, who drive our organisation – from how we are run to the services we provide.
  • Purpose before profit: we are a not-for-profit organisation where pupil outcomes, not profit, are our bottom line.
  • Locally grounded: we know and understand our local community, our schools, our people, our history, our shared aspirations

Our impact on school improvement


BDSIP client schools with "good" or "outstanding" Ofsted reports

Number of courses delivered in the academic year 2023/24

delegates reached via our courses in the academic year 2023/24

Average delegate evaluation score received for our courses

Deepti Chauhan, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Inclusion, George Carey C of E Primary

"Working alongside the Counsellor from BDSIP has been an amazing experience and we have seen a huge impact on the children's mental health, well-being and also the progress they have made in their learning. 

The DSL, the Counsellor and I work very closely together, where we meet to discuss the children's needs and we prioritise each child's case accordingly.  We arrange for the Counsellor to meet with the parents too during the child's intervention.  

Using a collaborative approach has been a massive success for the school, the Counsellor, the parents and most importantly the child!"

Deepti Chauhan, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Inclusion, George Carey C of E Primary

Hilary Buckland, Deputy Headteacher, Monteagle Primary

"Our SIP has been extremely supportive and helped us to clarify the way forward for out school improvement targets. He visits are inspiring and invigorating for the whole SLT."

Hilary Buckland, Deputy Headteacher, Monteagle Primary

Lorraine Williams, Senior Deputy Head, Valence Primary

"Valence is very pleased to have had you as our SIP. As always, your professional support, expertise and pedagogical guidance, has been invaluable. 

Both Janice and I have been able to explore pertinent lines of curriculum-based inquiry, which has strengthened and challenged existing professional practice, timely and positively. 

In a safe, non-threatening manner, you have guided us. We thank you for the support and we know we can always come to you for any further advice, or signposting."

Lorraine Williams, Senior Deputy Head, Valence Primary

Grant Krog, Headteacher, The Leys Primary

"Thank you very much for your exceptionally productive visits. Your comments, expertise and suggestions for next steps are very valuable. I am pleased that you were able to come into school – it is a pleasure to work with you. My staff have been very complimentary, and they value your insight and coaching."

Grant Krog, Headteacher, The Leys Primary

Jade Beech, SENCo, St Margaret’s Primary School

"It has been really beneficial receiving support on the SEN recovery plan. For all SENCos, this was new after the pandemic. Your support allowed us to return to school successfully, so it was really useful. You have also connected me with several people who have guided me and supported the writing of various policies for the website, ensuring they are the best they can be."

Jade Beech, SENCo, St Margaret’s Primary School

WEX student placed at the LBBD Register Office

"I genuinely loved being there. Everyone in the Registration Office was nice, friendly, welcoming and absolutely amazing. Even though the week was long and full of all sorts of unexpected things, everyone was really supportive and forgiving and even help me correct my mistakes. I learnt a lot"

WEX student placed at the LBBD Register Office

Alison Cornack, Social Value Lead, Jerrum Falkus

"The WEX student is an absolute star. He turns up early ready for work, is well presented and polite. He’s eager to learn and asks questions. To be honest, he’s a model student and we have all absolutely enjoyed hosting him"

Alison Cornack, Social Value Lead, Jerrum Falkus

Dawn Jones, George Carey Church of England Primary School, SENCo

"The impact of CPD has been excellent for me and the inclusion team. It has also rippled through the teaching and support staff across the school. My positive experience is something I am personally very grateful for. All the training, discussions and support were given in a positive way. I never felt judged, always encouraged, guided, (and sometimes cajoled). Well done BDSIP!"

Dawn Jones, George Carey Church of England Primary School, SENCo

Rhianna Peters, Year 5 and 6 Phase Leader, Parsloes Primary School

"Firstly, can I say a huge thank you for all the help, advice and support you have provided us with what has been a momentous turning point in my school. The discussions and reflections that have come about as a result of me feeding back from your conferences and networking events have been astounding; long may it continue for the change and benefit of the children."

Rhianna Peters, Year 5 and 6 Phase Leader, Parsloes Primary School

Rhianna Peters, Year 5 and 6 Phase Leader, Parsloes Primary School

"I attended one of the Careers Events which was a STEM workshop organised by Rosalind and her team and I was blown away by the richness of the event. There was a variety of STEM industry professionals who volunteered their time to facilitate the workshops. The take-up by various schools was impressive. It was so well organised and was inspirational even for me as an adult. The offer to our schools by Rosalind’s team is outstanding and I just wanted to share my reflections."

Angelina Ikeako, Deputy Headteacher, Aspire Virtual School, LBBD, Education Core

Our experts

Our team are here to help!

Our people are key to delivering great services, so we have great people!

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Featured training & CPD

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Featured resources

SEMH handbook

The SEMH Handbook has been commissioned by Barking and Dagenham Local Authority to support schools in developing their graduated response for students who have identified SEMH needs or are at risk of developing SEMH needs.

It has been produced through the collaborative efforts of colleagues across Education, Health, Social Care and third-sector organisations, ably led by Roger Mitchell, Head of Ripple Primary School. The SEMH Handbook has been written and curated by Lee Boyce, Principal Adviser for Education and Inclusion at BDSIP.

Thought leadership


If you have any questions, or would like to discuss our services and how we can help you, please get in touch by completing the enquiry form below.
Alternatively, feel free to give us a call on 020 8227 2636.
