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Safeguarding Statement

At BDSIP we are committed to safeguarding and the happiness, safety and welfare of all our students, staff, visitors and learners is of paramount importance to us.

Our commitment to safeguarding means that everyone at BDSIP accepts their responsibility and accountability for safeguarding – challenging others is acceptable and is practiced professionally.

All staff and associates are comprehensively screened on recruitment and receive appropriate training and ongoing support so that they can act on any concern that may suggest an individual is at risk of harm. All our staff and associates know how to implement the safeguarding policy and why they have to do so.

We support schools to empower students to safeguard themselves and others and develop their resilience. When we work with partners, they have a responsibility to meet our high standards of protection for children and adults in their services.
We pride ourselves on our culture of BDSIP being a place where staff and students feel safe and secure in their work and their learning. We will ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect people from harm and to identify appropriate avenues of support. If you have any concerns about yourself or another person’s welfare, please speak with a member of the Safeguarding Team immediately.


DATE: February 2024

Our safeguarding team

Karen Watch

Karen Watch

Designated safeguarding lead (DSL)

Kate Gooding

Kate Gooding

Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Mike Ormerod

Mike Ormerod

Strategic Lead

Simon Abedelo

Simon Abedelo

The board of trustees safeguarding officer


Signs and reporting of concerns

Safeguarding Concern Reporting Form

Keeping children safe in education

Safeguarding policy

(August 2024)

Safer Recruiting Procedure
