Our Promise

We promise to be a trusted partner for our community/customers.


This means our service priorities are your priorities and we commit to you for the long term.


We will:

  • meet you where you are.

  • listen, without judgement, to understand your needs.

  • work with you to find solutions appropriate to your context.

  • be reflective, agile and proactive.

  • provide the best person for the job.

  • commit to the ongoing professional development of our expert people to bring cutting edge thinking, coupled with extensive experience, to our family of schools.



Our Philosophy

Our educational philosophy is a living commitment to creating an ​inclusive, empowering, and purposeful educational experience for ​all, where each learner is not only equipped with knowledge and ​skills but is also inspired to become a lifelong learner and a positive ​force in the world.

Our trusted advisers believe that school improvement happens ​through the organisation’s capacity to grow. We are dedicated to ​supporting schools to overcome their challenges and dismantle any ​barriers to education, ensuring that every learner has equal access ​to opportunities. Our commitment to equity is reflected in our ​practices, policies, and resources, ensuring that no one is left ​behind and that each individual member of the school community, ​governors, leaders, teachers, families and pupils, has the tools they ​need to succeed.

BDSIP employs the most passionate and innovative practitioners ​who are committed to our ‘trusted partner’ approach. We ​encourage all our staff to be professionally inquisitive, solution-​focused and unerring in their drive to support our schools to realise ​a vision of success for all.


If you have any questions, or would like to discuss our services and how we can help you, please get in touch by completing the enquiry form below.
Alternatively, feel free to give us a call on 020 8227 2636.
