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Governor Accredited Programme (GAP) Module 4: Enabling equality, diversity and inclusion: ‘A fairer system for all’
A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.
Governor Accredited Programme (GAP) Module 5: Building relationships: ‘Managing conflict and the art of challenge’
A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.
Governor Accredited Programme (GAP) Module 6: Preparing for Ofsted - ‘How to demonstrate impact of governance to inspectors’
A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.
Governor Training: Complaints Panel Hearings
This session will explore the role of governors sitting on complaints panels. We will clarify the latest guidance and regulations from the Department for Education and explain the role of governors and clerks in ensuring that complaints are considered in a fair and reasonable manner. We will pay particular attention to how panel hearings are structured and conducted.
Governor Training: Exclusions: Policy, Procedures and the Law
This online course titled "Exclusions: Policy, Procedures, and the Law." is crucial for ensuring compliance with both London Borough of Barking and Dagenham's guidelines and national regulations. Additionally, recent case law emerging from judicial reviews has further underscored the importance of adhering to these standards.
Governor Training: Headteacher Performance Management
The course will help governors understand their role in conducting headteacher performance management. It will describe each stage of the process and how the independent advisor supports the headteachers and governors in reviewing the previous year's targets.
Governor Training: How to Monitor the Financial Performance of your School
How to monitor the financial performance of your school – includes SFVS and FMR.
Governor Training: Monitoring the Curriculum
This webinar will focus on the role of governance in its strategic oversight of the school curriculum. We will explore the National Curriculum and other statutory requirements and reflect on how governance should be ensuring compliance and deepening knowledge of provision in their school or trust.
Governor Training: New to Governance
New to Governance – a session for new governors providing the knowledge, understanding and skills to undertake roles effectively.
Governor Training: Online Safety
Governing bodies have a role to play in ensuring the safeguarding of children, including online safety. This course will help governors understand their role and how to support the school with regards to online safety.