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Providing non clinical supervision in an educational environment

This course will provide you with an insight into why there is a growing need for non clinical supervision nationally in the educational environment, the impact on school life without it, and how this can be undertaken safely so that staff are better supported to 'emotionally hold' your most complex cohorts.

Pupil Census Data Overview for Schools

The school census is the department’s primary source of administrative data about pupils attending schools in England. The Autumn school census will be used to fund the schools block of the dedicated schools grant, 16-19 funding allocations, universal infant free school meals and the pupil premium. During this session will highlight all key information and dates for the Spring Census.

Putting the SCERTS principles into practice

The SCERTS practice principles are a good practice guide for implementing the SCERTS framework into any setting. This session will focus on managing transitions, task engagement and enabling environments.

Reading Recovery Programme

The Initial Professional Development (IPD) course, internationally recognised and accredited by the UCL Institute of Education, is led by a Reading Recovery teacher leader (Louise Harding). It is a part-time course spread across a full school year.

Reading Recovery Programme - CPD

Continuing Professional Development will enable your experienced reading recovery teacher to have a sustained impact on literacy in your school.

Register for Level 3 Accreditation in Practical Solutions for Dyslexia Support

Delegates who are registered to attend all five of the training sessions listed below are able to register to complete a Level 3 Accreditation in Practical Solutions for Dyslexia Support.

Religious Education Agreed Syllabus Primary School Training

Agreed Syllabus training is for all schools providing you with the new updated schemes of work and supports available in RE here in B&D

Removing Children From Roll – The Do’s, Don’ts and Your Role

Free for schools based in LBBD. A special presentation by Greg Vaughn. Greg will advise on removing a child’s name from the roll of a school, allocations who don’t attend, Children Missing Education (CME) and Elective Home Education (EHE). This presentation aims to assist attendance officers and school staff to have a better understanding of the law, DfE guidance and borough procedures that govern these areas.

RSJ “all aboard”

RSJ facilitators’ session with Ann Palmer. Ann will be working with facilitators to explore how we can effectively build the engagement and active support of the whole school, including senior leaders, in the RSJ journey.

RSJ courageous conversations training for headteachers

An opportunity for headteachers to explore how to have the conversations which we can sometimes find most difficult, exploring psychological safety and how to respond constructively to challenging issues, including in relation to race and social justice.
