Event Search

RSJ facilitators’ network

This is the first RSJ Network for the 2024 - 25 Academic year. This event will be a relaunch of the RSJ work and an opportunity to begin a year of working more collaboratively with other schools. We should have the Young Mayor of Barking and Dagenham in attendance, as well as a representative from Hemisphere Education who work with schools to build their racial literacy.

School Governance and Special Educational Needs

This session is tailored to provide school governors with an understanding of SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and the role governance plays in supporting inclusive education.

School Workforce Census Overview

This course will cover all data items that will be collected in the school workforce census (SWF) and highlight changes from 2023 collection.

Secondary Deputy Heads Network

Agenda: To review on examination performance, provide an update on WalkThrus, go through courses for non-GCSE students and the Sixth form curriculum and numbers, and how to reduce the achievement gap.

Secondary Heads of English Conference

Our Heads of English Summer Conference will look at the latest developments for leaders of English and allow us to share best practices.

Secondary Physics Focus Workshop - Magnetism & Electromagnetism at KS3 and KS4

This workshop focuses on the way in which Magnetism and Electromagnetism can be taught in KS3 and KS4. Discussing the teaching sequence and how to build on substantial and disciplinary knowledge to ensure students are well prepared for KS4/5.

Secondary Religious Education Agreed Syllabus Meeting

This training will provide B&D secondary schools with access to new schemes of work that have been developed for teaching RE in our schools.

Secondary Religious Education Network Meeting

This secondary religious education network meeting offers the opportunity to share updates, receive subject support, and share best practice.

Secondary Science Lead Meeting

This meeting will center on how assessment can be leveraged to enhance student attainment, alongside strategies schools are employing to effectively lead revision activities in preparation for the final summer examinations.

Secondary Science Network

This meeting is aimed at Science Leads and forms part of our twice annual meetings. A chance to share examples of good practice and make connections with colleagues.
