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Preparing for Headship
A half day CPD for those considering Headship in Primary, Special or Secondary schools and any current school leaders.
Primary Art Professional Learning Network
This course will support the development of subject leaders professional knowledge and understanding of the art curriculum in primary school.
Primary Computing Network Meeting
Professional forum for subject leader development, updates and sharing good practice.
Primary Computing Network Meeting – Online Safety
Professional forum for subject leader development, updates and sharing good practice. This meeting will have a focus on online safety.
Primary Computing Professional Learning Network
Professional forum for subject leader development, updates and sharing good practice.
Primary D&T Subject Leader Network
The Primary D&T Subject Leader Network will support subject leaders to develop in their role through subject-specific training, regular updates, and opportunities to share best practice.
Primary Deputy Heads Professional Learning Network
Free for schools subscribed to our CPD package. This will be an opportunity for deputy heads from primary schools to meet every half term to share practice and explore challenges. We aim to create a safe space to learn and grow collaboratively.
Primary EAL Network Meeting
Free for schools in LBBD. This is a network meeting for EAL coordinators in primary schools. It gives them an opportunity to network with colleagues across the borough and to receive updated information on matters relating to EAL.
Primary English Professional Learning Network
This is an opportunity to meet termly with colleagues from across the borough to discuss different aspects of the primary English curriculum. It is a forum where we can share our successes and challenges, creating opportunities for school-to-school support and development. Through these sessions we will also explore current research findings and implications for classroom practice.
Primary Geography - Embedding Fieldwork
We will discuss how to embed fieldwork into the geography curriculum. We will explore the range of techniques available to us and how to use them in the school grounds and local area. We will also look at how virtual fieldwork can support the development of children's skills and enhance first-hand fieldwork experiences. This will be a participatory and interactive session.