Claire has been an advisory teacher for over 20 years working in Essex, Redbridge, Newham and most recently in Barking and Dagenham. Nationally Claire has... Read more
These files contain schemes of work and associated supports for teachers of RE. Resources can only be accessed by schools who have purchased them directly... Read more
The attached file contains Year 7 schemes of work and associated supports for teachers of RE. Resources can only be accessed by schools who have... Read more
These files contain Year 8 schemes of work and associated supports for teachers of RE. Resources can only be accessed by schools who have purchased... Read more
On Friday 1st July, Roding Lane primary school hosted pupils, parents, teachers and faith leaders from B&D schools who came together to celebrate pupil’s learning... Read more
Barking and Dagenham SACRE have won an award to work with primary schools pupils in 2021 around a peacemaking project. SACRE stands for the ‘Standing... Read more
June 2020 saw the launch of the new agreed syllabus for Religious Education in Barking and Dagenham, which can be found here. In partnership with... Read more
How we can help your school
School Improvement
The school improvement partner programme supports and challenges your school to continually develop its practice, building the highest standards of leadership and management expertise to deliver the very best outcomes for all.
Our SEND & inclusion team includes leading experts in autism, SEMH, behaviour management and language and communication. We have experts who have led inclusion in primary, secondary, and special school settings, as well as additional resource provision in mainstream schools.
Our careers support program supports young people to make positive, informed and aspirational choices about their futures with high-quality, expert careers advice.