Barking and Dagenham SACRE Award

May 14, 2020 | School Improvement

Home > Barking and Dagenham SACRE Award

Barking and Dagenham SACRE have won an award to work with primary schools pupils in 2021 around a peacemaking project.

SACRE stands for the ‘Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education’. Every LA has one, and it is made up of teachers, councillors, religious and worldview representatives from our local community and helps to set the content of RE in our schools.

The project we hope will work with 36 primary schools and involve over 200 year 5 pupils through some conferences that would seek to give pupils first-hand experience of different religions and world views through meeting adult members of B&D SACRE’s so they can learn more about religious and world views beliefs and practices

The project will also provide 2 CPD days for local teachers where they can meet local faith leaders and learn about different religions in 2021. These days will build teachers subject knowledge around religions and world views and allow them to be clearer on similarities and differences.

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