On Friday 1st July, Roding Lane primary school hosted pupils, parents, teachers and faith leaders from B&D schools who came together to celebrate pupil’s learning in Religious Education in B&D schools.
Pupils produced work inspired by their visits to local places of worship. The best of this work was then entered into the new SACRE B&D competition for 2021-22. Work in this year’s competition included written accounts, painting, drawings, models and poems.
“We hope this competition will grow over the next few years, seeing more pupils learning in RE being enriched through visits to local places of worship.” said Randip Sahota, B&D SACRE chair.
“It was wonderful to see how pupil’s experiential learning about different religions and worldviews had inspired their work back in the classroom.” Avril Carnelley, B&D advisor.
Prizes were sponsored by BDSIP giving pupils and classes book vouchers to reward their amazing work.
Written by Claire Clinton
RE advisor to B&D schools
For further information please contact: RE Matters, 07950 701933