Our local Computing Hub (based at Newstead Wood School in Orpington) has organised a range of training courses for secondary computer science teachers. Some of the courses are delivered online, and some face-to-face. The courses attract a £220 subsidy per course.
For further details, and to register for any of the courses, please follow the links on the flyer. You will need to register with Teach Computing / STEM Learning to book on a course (registration gives you access to both sites).
The Computing Hub is also looking for venues in north London to host further training courses. The training room would be needed for the whole day, and would preferably be a room with computers available, but in some cases delegates could be asked to bring their own devices. The Computing Hub would pay the school a £250 hosting fee and £15 per head for refreshments.
If your school is interested in hosting any computer science courses, please either let Gillian Bratley (gillian.bratley@bdsip.co.uk) know, or contact the Computing Hub via teachcomputing@newsteadwood.co.uk