We are pleased to share the data from our Developing Reading for Pleasure (Laurel Trust Research) and Early Literacy Skills Programme (ELSP) courses from academic year 2021/2022.
Register your interest to participate in these courses here:
Developing Reading for Pleasure (Laurel Trust Research)
Facts and figures
- 9 participating schools in 2021/2022
- 18 trained adults
- 130 children on the programme
- 117 (90%) children catching up with their peers
*All the children that completed the programme and finished on a book level 14 or higher passed the phonics screening test in year1 and the retest in year 2.
Multiple disadvantages
- 22.5% of pupils in England are receiving FSM.
- 81% of the children that took part in the Laurel Trust Project were receiving FSM
- 19.3% of pupils in Primary schools in England have English as an additional language.
- 62% of the children on the Laurel trust project had English as an additional language.
Early Literacy Skills Programme (ELSP)
Facts and figures
- 4 participating schools 2021/2022
- 10 ELSP trained adults
- 40 children on the programme
*All of the children that completed the programme and finished on a book level higher than a level 14 passed the phonics screening test.
Multiple disadvantages
- 22.5% of pupils in England are receiving FSM
- 62% of the children on ELSP were receiving FSM
Whilst there is a strong link between poverty and literacy difficulties, they are not the same. Not all children in poverty need help with literacy and not all children who need help with literacy are poor.
“As a Reading Recovery teacher and being part of the LT Reading intervention programme, It has been highly motivating to see the children show enjoyment and enthusiasm in reading from the beginning to the end of the programme. It is an inclusive programme that has been impactful in accelerating the target children’s progress in reading. Since implementation in our school, it has proven to show a positive outcome for both our EAL and SEND pupils who are able to access the schools reading assessment levelled books. The children are provided with good quality texts that are engaging. These texts encourage reading for pleasure and the use of talk. The children enjoy, listening, sharing their experiences and learning from each other. It has been rewarding to see the children rapidly develop strengths in reading independently and confidently. The programme has been impactful because of the dedicated and consistent support in provision. Furthermore the program has helped the children to develop skills in fluent and phrased reading and in answering comprehension questions.”