Barking Abbey is hosting a SEND Nightclub Experience/SEND Disco on Saturday 13 May! Following on from feedback last year, we are starting the night earlier to allow for Primary aged children to be part of this event.
The aim of the event is to provide a safe space for young people with SEND to enjoy music, dancing, and to practice those all-important social skills in a real-life setting. The DJ is a specialised one and all needs are catered for – he is on social media; DJ Dan Blaze if you wanted to look him up. He brings his photo booth and props with him so students can have photo’s done as a keepsake.
Parents are permitted to stay with their child – or they can drop them off and return a little while later, totally up to them.
For more information, please contact Lauren Casey at caseyl@barkingabbeyschool.co.uk.