Governor Accredited Programme (GAP) Module 4: Enabling equality, diversity and inclusion: ‘A fairer system for all’

Home > Governor Accredited Programme (GAP) Module 4: Enabling equality, diversity and inclusion: ‘A fairer system for all’

A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.

Live online events


2 hours, 05:30 PM GMT - 07:30 PM GMT


  • Schools with Governors Training Package - Free
  • £50.00 excl.



  • Pay as you go: £50.00 per module
  • Schools with the Governor Training Package: £0.00


Module 1 - Roles and responsibilities of governors - ‘knowing my school’

This module is aimed at new governors and those with more experience who wish to have ‘refresher’ training. It will help new governors gain the required knowledge and understanding to begin to fulfil their role effectively to support their school in raising standards. This module will focus on:

  • how the school vision shapes values across the school community and drives a culture of high expectations
  • the key roles and responsibilities of governors
  • the composition of governing bodies and how they work
  • effective challenge and support

Module 2 - How data supports school improvement and self-evaluation in schools - ‘what governors need to know and why’

This module aims to develop an understanding of school progress and performance data. The session explores:

  • the types of data used by schools and the role data plays in school improvement
  • how data can be used by governors to challenge and support the school to improve
  • how governors are accountable for the progress made by all groups of learners and how this data is gathered and used by their schools
  • bringing data to life: the types of questions governors can ask about their own school’s data.

Module 3 - Safeguarding: ‘understanding and promoting a culture of vigilance’

This module will help governors recognise their role in promoting a culture of vigilance in their schools. The session will help governors understand:

  • their role in monitoring and promoting safeguarding across the school community
  • compliance including policies and record keeping
  • how to create a safe and healthy culture that includes pupil and staff voice
  • the spectrum of safeguarding and online safety

Module 4 - Enabling equality, diversity and inclusion: ‘a fairer system for all’

This module aims to develop understanding of why equality, diversity and inclusion are integral to ensuring high aspirations for all learners. This module will help governors :

  • recognise barriers to learning and opportunities to raise aspirations for all learners
  • recognise the variety of vulnerable groups and the need to rigorously monitor their progress
  • understand the implications and impact of the Equality Act 2010 in schools and how this contributes to a fairer system for all

Module 5 – Building relationships: ‘managing conflict and the art of challenge’

This module aims to help governors understand how effective challenge and support promotes meaningful accountability in school and why it is fine to ‘agree to disagree’ in the board room. This module will help governors:

  • build positive relationships with school leaders based on trust and understanding
  • explore different methods of how to hold senior leaders to account through challenge and support
  • understand the importance of effective communication
  • manage and resolve conflict

Module 6 – Preparing for Ofsted: ‘how to demonstrate impact of governance to inspectors’

This module aims to help governors prepare for Ofsted so that they are able to speak confidently about their school and the impact governance has had in raising standards and complying with statutory duties. This module will help governors:

  • articulate the journey of the school since its last inspection
  • understand the school’s strengths and areas for development
  • demonstrate the impact of governance and how they have made a difference
  • plan for the type of questions governors are typically asked


Course aims:

  • Governors will have a clear understanding of their accountability and strategic responsibilities with a clear focus on the expectations of their role in school.
  • They will have the confidence to provide an insightful challenge and support both in meetings and through visits including learning walks.
  • They will be able to demonstrate how effective governance strengthens school leadership by raising standards and improving the life chances of children and young people.

Course Objectives:

A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.

Additional information:

  • Six two-hour online sessions.
  • Pre-course preparation to include: knowing the key school improvement priorities, reading the most recent Ofsted report and taking a critical tour of the school website.
  • Pre-course preparation to include: knowing the key school improvement priorities, reading the most recent Ofsted report and taking a critical tour of the school website.

Target audience:

All school governors

  • Level one is suitable for all levels of experience.
  • Level two is suitable for governors with GAP Level 1 or two years’ plus experience


Delivered by:

Matt Miller MBE

National Leader of Governance 2012 – 2023

Governance Consultant


Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.

Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.

Contact information

For specific enquiries about this course, please contact course presenter Matt Miller MBE at

For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact

Cancellation Policy

  • No refund will be received for places cancelled within 5 working days of the session.​
  • Schools will receive a 50% refund for places cancelled within 10 working days of the session.

Terms and Conditions

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