I am the Advisory Teacher for Primary Computing with over 30 years’ experience in primary education. I believe that all children deserve a high-quality education to help them learn and thrive. With technology having such an impact across the workplace and at home, I believe schools should also be making the best use of technology to help children learn.
I have been with BDSIP since its inception in 2017 and worked for the Local Authority prior to BDSIP. My role is very varied and ranges from working with subject leaders to develop and implement the computing curriculum, to working with senior leaders to organise and embed assessment processes. I also work with schools on developing their online safety curriculum, which might include delivering online safety workshops to parents. I feel very lucky as I get to work with a wide range of people in schools, including teachers, subject leaders, SLT and technical staff. I also work closely with other teams within BDSIP and manage some of the IT Services contracts for BDSIP schools. I am also a governor at a local primary school.
The world of technology is constantly changing, and so I am always keen to attend CPD to widen my knowledge of new technologies, and to share this with schools. I am a CEOP Ambassador, Professional Development Lead trainer for STEM Learning and Computing at School Community Leader. I am also on the Teaching and Learning advisory board for LGfL. I find the evolving nature of technology very exciting, and enjoy delivering CPD on all aspects of technology, from early years computing, using micro:bits for physical computing, to accessibility tools in technology and exploring AI in the curriculum.